flexi New Comfort Tape Lead Large - 8m
An extendable tape lead for dogs up to 50kg, with a comfortable short-stroke braking system and permanent stop function to fix the lead, offering freedom for your dog to explore.
Price: $12000
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The flexi New Comfort Tape Lead Large - 8m allows your dog to fully explore even whilst being attached to a lead, making for fun, safe walks. It offers your dog plenty of freedom whilst still keeping you in control. The adjustable soft grip also ensures the lead can be individually adapted to fit in your hand. The practical braking system of the flexi New Comfort Tape Lead Large - 8m allows your dog to be reined in with just the push of a button, great for recalling your dog or for getting it to walk by your side. The generous length of the lead adjusts automatically as your dog moves closer or further away. The perfected lead-outlet system allows your dog to move in all directions without risk of the lead jamming.